K3M operates in the Mid- to Large-Cap market, focusing its attention on ways and means to add value to the financial acumen of an already advanced corporation. The expertise of K3M and its assocated Partners can be grouped into broad areas of Structured Finance, Debt Syndication, Collaborations / Strategic Partnerships, as well as business Advisory Services, and Legal & Commercial Assistance.
We work in medium & long term debt syndication, project appraisals, due diligence exercises etc. across the industries. We also offer Structured Finance Solutions, Securitization, arrangement of Strategic Collaboration including marketing tie-ups abroad, Colonization Finance & Collaborations, Infrastructure Finance & Collaborations, and Aviation Advisory Services.
Our partner AFII is an ISO 9001:2000 Certified firm (Year 2005) for ‘Providing Financial & Business Advisory Services to Corporates’.